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TTK Moodle Terms of Use Политика сайта Все пользователи

Краткое изложение

Use of TTK Moodle is subject to the following terms and conditions. Click below to accept them. For more information contact TTK Moodle support at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee.

Полная версия политики

1 General

1.1 TTK Moodle, administered by Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool (TTK) and located at https://moodle.tktk.ee , hereinafter referred to as Moodle, is an instance of Moodle, an open source learning management system.

1.2 Moodle provides instructors with the opportunity to create and manage e-learning courses, and students, with the opportunity to take part in these same courses.

1.3 A Moodle user is a natural person possessing a Moodle account.

1.4 A user may use Moodle only after agreeing to all terms of use.

1.5 Use of Moodle means primarily the use of Moodle to take part in learning activities or carry out instruction.

1.6 Full use of Moodle requires a personal account. Very limited access is also provided to guests.

2 Creation and deletion of Moodle accounts

2.1 In the case of employees and degree-seeking students (including Erasmus exchange students), an account is created automatically when they log in the first time using their TTK information system username and password. Once the account has been created, they can also log in using TARA (with their ID-card, Mobile-ID, or Smart-ID).

2.2 In the case of other users, accounts are created manually by the Moodle administrator using the user's first name, last name, and e-mail address. After the account has been created, they will receive an e-mail with their username and initial password, which they can change after logging in. If they choose to add their Estonian personal identification code to their user profile, they can then also log in using TARA.

2.3 In the case of foreign university students taking part in TTK Moodle courses through their own university's Moodle (using the LTI external tool plugin), accounts are created automatically on the basis of data from their own Moodle (first name, last name, and e-mail address).

2.4 The accounts of degree-seeking students are retained for up to three months after graduation or withdrawal from studies, the accounts of employees, for up to three months after the termination of their employment. Access to the accounts will end after the deletion of the TTK information system account, generally, a few days after graduation, withdrawal from studies, or termination of employment.

2.5 Continuing education students and foreign students accessing Moodle through their own school's Moodle are ensured access to their TTK Moodle accounts for up to six months after their last login. They may also apply to have their account deleted earlier using the related link on their profile page.

2.6 The deletion of an account is final. The account and all data related to the account in the Moodle database can not later be restored.

3 The Rights, Obligations, and Responsiblities of Users

3.1 If an instructor has enabled guest access to a course (with or without a key), it is possible to view the course without user authentication. Guests will have access to the main page of the course and all study materials but will not have access to forum postings, and they will not be able to take tests or submit assignments.

3.2 Every account is associated with a user profile. Some fields are prefilled and can not be edited by the user: for all accounts, first name, last name, and e-mail address, and in the case of TTK information system users, also personal identification code and department (study program or structural unit). Every user can also add or change other personal information, including the profile picture.

3.3 To change the last name, firstname or e-mail address, TTK information system users should contact the IT department at IT@tktk.ee. Users with manual accounts should contact Moodle support at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee.

3.4 Each user is responsible for the correctness of any additional personal data added to the profile, the use of external services through Moodle, and the data exchange arising from this use.

3.5 A user must take all reasonable measures to prevent third-parties from gaining access to their accounts (e.g., by changing their password, cancelling their ID-card, etc.). If a user suspects possible unauthorized access to their account, Moodle support should be contacted immediately at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee.

3.6 If the account password is forgotten, TTK information system users must contact the IT department at IT@tktk.ee to have their passwords reset, users with manual accounts, Moodle support at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee.

3.7 A user is prohibited from acting in any way which might impair the functioning of Moodle or would otherwise be considered illegal. Upon the discovery of such activity, the TTK reserves the right to restrict the involved user's access to Moodle.

3.8 Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, overloading Moodle with requests, uploading unsafe or illegal content, copyright infringement, attempts to gain access to another user's account, or engaging in or abetting any other objectionable behavior.

3.9 A user must be sure that any file uploaded to Moodle has been correctly formatted and is readable by the system and that any text entered in Moodle does not contain any extraneous code (html, css, etc.) and is correctly formatted (correctly uses text filters, etc.).

3.10 A user can use their account with external services that are not under the control of the TTK. This external service may, for example, be a Moodle course provided by another university.

3.11 A user may receive Moodle system notifications related, for example, to posts in forums they are subscribed to, calendar reminders, etc. Notifications can be turned off in the user's message preference settings (under profile settings).

3.12 A user has the right to remove themselves from a course. If later in the term, the user wants to rejoin the same course and restore their course data, they must contact Moodle support at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee.

4 TTK rights, obligations, and responsibilities

4.1 The TTK has the right to use Moodle for the purposes of carrying out instruction, research, and administrative work. The service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during scheduled maintenance times.

4.2 The TTK must ensure the correspondence of a user's role with their rights and prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to Moodle courses. The instructor of a course must ensure access to it over the entirety of the academic term. At the end of each academic term, the instructor has the right to remove students from the course and delete their course data.

4.3 For the purpose of improving ease of use, the TTK has the right to integrate Moodle with the studies information system (Tahvel) and other services it uses (e.g., Zoom, Teams Meeting, BigBlueButton, Matlab).

4.4 Moodle is hosted on the TTK's own servers, and server and database software are regularly updated.

4.5 Moodle downtime is generally scheduled outside of normal working hours, and notification is posted on the Moodle homepage.

4.6 Moodle automated course backups are carried out once a week. A course is not backed up if no changes have been made since the last backup. A maximum of two backups are kept for each course, a minimum of one. One will be deleted if it is older than one year. Automated backups include student data and logs for up to 60 days. Instructors may also make backups of their courses, but user data will not be included.

4.7 The TTK has the right to archive a course upon the termination of employment of its author/maintainer. Archived courses are made available to other instructors as teaching resources.

4.8 The TTK offers full technical support. Support staff can be contacted at haridustehnoloogid@tktk.ee or individually using the contact form on the Moodle homepage.

4.9 The TTK bears no responsibility for the content of user submissions or content of materials and activities made available in a Moodle course.

4.10 The TTK is not responsible for impairments or disruptions of service due to circumstances beyond its control.

4.11 The present site policy may be unilaterally modified by the TTK, and after modification, all users will be required to indicate their acceptance when they next log in.

5 Protection of Personal Data

5.1 The TTK processes personal data only for the purpose of creating user accounts and facilitating the teaching process.

5.2 For more effective operation, Moodle uses cookies. The Moodle session cookie is an essential cookie that provides continuity, allowing a user to remain logged in when navigating from page to page during a Moodle session. When a user logs out or closes the browser, the cookie is automatically destroyed both in the browser and on the server. The Moodle ID cookie is a non-essential cookie used to store a user's username and language setting for convenience.

5.3 The TTK will disclose personal data only to Moodle administrators and managers, to users with the teacher role, and to other persons if it should be required by law. Teachers in a course can see the following personal data of course participants: full name, email address, and activity logs (incl. IP addresses). Participants in a course can only see the full names of other participants.

5.4 User actions are recorded in Moodle site logs. Course logs show only those actions connected with a particular course context. Course logs help to monitor participation and are the basis of learning analytics plugins. Moodle site logs (including course logs) are kept for 365 days.

5.5 The TTK may access or process any personal data stored in Moodle when providing technical support or analyzing course activity and assessing service quality.

5.6 A user may request a copy of all personal data stored in Moodle using the related link on their profile page.

5.7 For more information on the protection of personal data and its processing at the TTK, visit https://www.tktk.ee/isikuandmete-tootlemine/ or contact the school at andmekaitse@tktk.ee.