
9. Kasutatud materjal

1. Maanteeamet. 2006. Geosünteetide kasutamise juhis. Tallinn.
2. Robert M. Koerner. Designing with geosynthetics. Fift edition. 2005. New Jersey
3. Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Jian-Hua Yin. Fundamentals of geosynthetic engineering. 2006. London
4. Quian, X., Koerner, R. M., Gray, D. H. 2002. Geotechnical Aspects of Landfill Design and Construction, Prentice Hall, Jew Jersey.
5. Viacon Eesti AS geomembraanide brošüür ( 02.10.2010);
6. (02.10.2010)
7. (02.10.2010)