The e-course, Field-Specific English (HKE178), is a collaborative effort with multiple coauthors contributing to its creation: Maie Kuning, Lea Püss, Galina Koch, Annika Kangur. Developed as supplementary material for the course book used in lectures, this resource offers additional content for enriched discussions, supports both individual and group work, facilitates practice in written and spoken communication, aids in acquiring specialized vocabulary, and provides ample opportunities for effective memorization.
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Course volume: 3 ECTS
Learning outcomes:
The course 'Field-Specific English HKE178' is designed for 1st-year and 2nd-year students at TTK University of Applied Sciences. The volume of the course is 3 ECTS CP.
The number of hours to cover the course for daily learners is 32 academic hours and 46 hours of independent work.
The study topics include a study text and a word list, forming the basis for vocabulary acquisition. Online tasks, while not mandatory, are strongly recommended for self-study, considering language learning perspectives and limited contact lesson hours.
The course aims to familiarize the learners with their professional vocabulary to be able to speak and discuss issues related to professional topics. The learning materials are based on specialty texts in which terminology develops a learner’s ESP skills and content supplements a student’s specialty competence. Active learning techniques, based on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning - LAK Lõimitud Aine- ja Keeleõpe), are applied.
Dear student, each year, we welcome students who are absolute beginners in English (A1-A2). Our tailored approach ensures they can maximize their language skills development in this Field-Specific English course. To further support this process, we are likely to open an additional course in January as an optional preparatory course, the 'TTK Inglise keele ettevalmistav kursus taasalustajale (A1-A2),' which could be of great help to you.
The course provides wider knowledge through self-study and independent work supplementing face-to-face learning. It provides students with a limited number of lessons and the opportunity to practice vocabulary and revise their knowledge of the specialized language. Each part contains reading texts and exercises to practice foreign language skills. All Moodle and Quizlet tasks give learners a chance to delve a little deeper into the field.
Field-Specific English (HKE178)
Lecturer: Galina Koch
Centre of Humanities and Economics
Weeks and topics with hours
Assessment on the course
To pass the course:
1. attendance of at least 61% of the classes is required
2. students must complete 6 gradable tasks with a positive grade
Altogether, students will get 6 grades :
1.PowerPoint Presentation - spoken assignment which counts for 20% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to complete this gradable task with a positive grade ('P' → 'PASS' / arvestatud).
2. Home reading Seminar - a spoken/ written assignment that counts for 20% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to complete this gradable task with a positive grade ('P' → 'PASS' / arvestatud).
3. Vocabulary Test I - a written assignment that constitutes 10% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve a positive grade of at least 51%, corresponding to grade 1.
4. Vocabulary Test II - a written assignment that constitutes 10% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve a positive grade of at least 51%, corresponding to grade 1.
5. Vocabulary Test III - a written assignment that constitutes 10% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve a positive grade of at least 51%, corresponding to grade 1.
6. Final Vocabulary Test - a written assignment that constitutes 30% of the final grade. To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve a positive grade of at least 51%, corresponding to grade 1.
The grades will be announced in class or through
Main Gradable Tasks
In the course, there are PowerPoint presentations to compile and deliver in the classroom.
Requirements for presentation:
1.There must be not less than 7 slides of information
2.Your presentation should be not less than 7 minutes in duration
3.Find a small video on the topic ( 7 minutes plus a small video)
4.Make a Vocabulary List from your Presentation in Word Doc ( not less than 20 new words)
5.Check that your classmates understand the topic of your presentation (; questions; gap-filling task; etc.,)
6.Students are not allowed to read the text. Do not read! Talk!
To get the maximum grade for the presentation, follow these rules:
1. The topic is well chosen - you have enough interesting material to present
2. Slides
- First slide – Name of school (at the top), title of presentation; student, group; year
- Second slide – Table of content
- Last slide – references (used sources)
- No long sentences/much text. BUT: not too little text
- No mistakes on the slides (use spelling check programme)
- Clear, contrasting colours, font big enough
- Illustrated
3. Oral talk
- Presentation is well prepared, fluent, no long pauses
- Voice loud enough, talking not too fast
- The presentation has an introduction, body and sum-up part
- Content is interesting
- No big mistakes in grammar or pronunciation
- Eye contact with the audience
- Absolutely no reading - it is allowed to use small cue cards with phrases, names, figures etc.
2.⏩Homereading Seminar
Reading and summarizing a specialty-related article of at least 10000 characters (with spaces) in December.
1. Find a specialty-related academic text /article/ of at least 10000 characters. Make sure the article is reliable and has an author.
2. Familiarize yourself with the content and terminology.
3. Translate all the new words, and write them down.
4. Find 10-15 words that you think the other students should know too.
5. Provide translations for these words.
6. Send the link to the article, the summary of the article, and all the new words with translation to my email -
7. Be ready to speak about your article for 3-5 minutes
3⏩ Vocabulary Test
This is a test of your knowledge of Professional Vocabulary: translating the words and phrases , answering the questions, etc.,
Literature used in the course
Inna Tammet