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  • Teooria_

    CMM-i olemus, CMM programmeerimine, geomeetria tolertantisd jne

    • Here is the documentation that describes integration of our CMM in automation. There are a few different ways to integrate a Mitutoyo CMM to a PLC/Robot. The simplest way is by communicating with files and digital I/O. The file communication doesn’t require any additional equipment, just a shared folder between the PLC and the CMM-computer. The digital I/O requires additional equipment, a DIO-card. There is only one type of card that is supported in MCosmos and that you can buy from us.


      You can also communicate with field bus. We can supply a card that is supported in our software. The card that we provide can be flashed to any communication protocol, the Siemens protocol that you plan to use for example.

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