Kõik vajalik info eduka praktika sooritamiseks.
Subject name:
BIM (Building Information Modeling in electrical
Subject code:
Subject volume ECTS/ hours:
Assessment method:
Graded prelim
Study period:
2024/2025 Spring
Andres Mandre
Elias Tael
Schedule of classes (Lecture; Practice):
L:32 P:32
Language of studies:
English, Estonian
Explanation of assessment method:
Language of studies:
English, Estonian
Subject affiliation and purpose:
This subject is part of the Electrical Engineering programme, but it is also
applicable to other specialties. The aim of the course is to introduce and
teach BIM (Building Information Modelling) engineering software in electrical
engineering, to provide an overview of general principals of BIM software used
in the field of electrical engineering and the possibilities of the use of such
software. The introduction and study of the use of the software is supplemented
by practical tasks and assignments with the use of software in assembly and
compiling of electrical systems of electrical installation.
XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX course is a prerequisite
subject to the following subjects:
1) MET320
Design of the Low-Voltage Installations;
2) MET322 Design of Substations and Electrical Networks;
3) MET324 Design of Automation Systems.
Completion of this course provides knowledge about working with specialized BIM software and skills to making 3D-BIM models and 3D engineering drawings for projects in the above-mentioned courses.
Learning outcomes (LO) of the subject:
A student has a basic understanding of the electrical installation project BIM
objectives, stages and format (basics of BIM)
A student has an understanding of general workings
about the BIM design software for electrical systems (basics of BIM software)
A student has an understanding of general principals about the BIM design
procedures and steps for electrical systems (basics of BIM design)
A student has an understanding of general purpose for the application and use
of BIM design for electrical systems in engineering and design of buildings
(basics of BIM usage)
A student obtains knowledge on how to use BIM software [e.g. (CADMATIC
Electrical; Autodesk REVIT)] on a basic level for making Electrical
(Installation) BIM design (BIM software in design and design in BIM software)
A student gains a holistic perspective on the application of BIM in both 3D and
2D projects with emphasis on electrical installation components and electrical
systems parameter information modelling (holistic understanding of BIM).
Brief description
of subject content:
The subject provides a systematic overview and a basic understanding of the
purpose of electrical installation part in BIM in building construction project
and objectives of BIM documentation of electrical installation project. The
subject introduces briefly the normative documents (legislation and standards)
on which the BIM design is based. The most common regional software [e.g. (CADMATIC
Electrical; Autodesk REVIT)] is used for study purposes in the design of electrical
systems for introduction of BIM in electrical installation design and
engineering. During practical use, BIM design software and its possibilities
are studied. With practical software use, students learn about BIM 3D design
environment for electrical installation in buildings.
The course provides a comprehensive exploration of BIM in the context of
electrical installations. Participants will gain insights into the widespread
adoption of BIM in recent designs, driven by both progressive construction
companies and government/municipal requirements. The course delves into the
impact of BIM on electrical design, addressing software tools, challenges, and
the essential skills required for effective implementation.
The aim of the studies is to be able to compile BIM for the electrical
installation project of buildings and to obtain an understanding of the
importance of BIM in electrical engineering.
Independent work:
• https://www.riigiteataja.ee
• https://www.evs.ee
Additional info:
prerequisite subjects:
RKE120 - Data Processing (3.00 EAP)
RKE124 - Basics of Engineering Graphics (3.00 EAP)
MET297 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (6.00 EAP)
Relation to
structural unit:
Institute of Technology
In process of preparation
Subject name:
Design Process
Subject code:
Subject volume ECTS/ hours:
Assessment method:
Graded prelim
Study period:
2024/2025 Spring
Margus Leoste
Schedule of classes (Lecture; Practice):
L:16 P:16
Language of studies:
English, Estonian
Explanation of assessment method:
Language of studies:
English, Estonian
Subject affiliation and purpose:
This subject is part of the Electrical Engineering programme, but it is also
applicable to other specialties. The aim of the course is to introduce and
teach BIM (Building Information Modelling) engineering software in electrical
engineering, to provide an overview of general principals of BIM software used
in the field of electrical engineering and the possibilities of the use of such
software. The introduction and study of the use of the software is supplemented
by practical tasks and assignments with the use of software in assembly and
compiling of electrical systems of electrical installation.
XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX course is a prerequisite
subject to the following subjects:
1) MET320
Design of the Low-Voltage Installations;
2) MET322 Design of Substations and Electrical Networks;
3) MET324 Design of Automation Systems.
Completion of this course provides knowledge about working with specialized BIM software and skills to making 3D-BIM models and 3D engineering drawings for projects in the above-mentioned courses.
Learning outcomes (LO) of the subject:
A student has a basic understanding of the electrical installation project BIM
objectives, stages and format (basics of BIM)
A student has an understanding of general workings
about the BIM design software for electrical systems (basics of BIM software)
A student has an understanding of general principals about the BIM design
procedures and steps for electrical systems (basics of BIM design)
A student has an understanding of general purpose for the application and use
of BIM design for electrical systems in engineering and design of buildings
(basics of BIM usage)
A student obtains knowledge on how to use BIM software [e.g. (CADMATIC
Electrical; Autodesk REVIT)] on a basic level for making Electrical
(Installation) BIM design (BIM software in design and design in BIM software)
A student gains a holistic perspective on the application of BIM in both 3D and
2D projects with emphasis on electrical installation components and electrical
systems parameter information modelling (holistic understanding of BIM).
Brief description
of subject content:
The subject provides a systematic overview and a basic understanding of the
purpose of electrical installation part in BIM in building construction project
and objectives of BIM documentation of electrical installation project. The
subject introduces briefly the normative documents (legislation and standards)
on which the BIM design is based. The most common regional software [e.g. (CADMATIC
Electrical; Autodesk REVIT)] is used for study purposes in the design of electrical
systems for introduction of BIM in electrical installation design and
engineering. During practical use, BIM design software and its possibilities
are studied. With practical software use, students learn about BIM 3D design
environment for electrical installation in buildings.
The course provides a comprehensive exploration of BIM in the context of
electrical installations. Participants will gain insights into the widespread
adoption of BIM in recent designs, driven by both progressive construction
companies and government/municipal requirements. The course delves into the
impact of BIM on electrical design, addressing software tools, challenges, and
the essential skills required for effective implementation.
The aim of the studies is to be able to compile BIM for the electrical
installation project of buildings and to obtain an understanding of the
importance of BIM in electrical engineering.
Independent work:
• https://www.riigiteataja.eehttps://www.evs.ee
Additional info:
prerequisite subjects:
RKE120 - Data Processing (3.00 EAP)
RKE124 - Basics of Engineering Graphics (3.00 EAP)
MET297 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (6.00 EAP)
Relation to
structural unit:
Institute of Technology
In process of preparation
Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade elektervalgustuse põhiteemadest, sh lampide ja valgustite valiku alustest, valgustusele esitatavatest nõuetest lähtuvalt keskkonna, energiasäästu ja inimtervise seisukohast.
Elektri-projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Elektri-projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Elektri-projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Elektri-projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Mõõteriistad, mõõtemeetodid ja neid iseloomustavad andmed.
Kursus elektrimasinatega alustamiseks
Kursus elektrimaterjalide omadustest ja nende kasutamisest tehnikas ja päris elus.
Siin on tehnikainstituudi elektritehnika ja masinaehituse õppekava lõpetamisega seonduvad infomaterjalid ja dokumendid.
Õppeaine eesmärk on tutvustada üliõpilastele elektroonika põhialuseid. Üliõpilased saavad oma esimesed teadmised signaalidest, võimendamisest ja filtreerimisest ning elektroonika passiiv-ja aktiivkomponentidest. Põhirõhk asetatakse üldkasutatavate elektroonikaseadmete ehituse ja tööpõhimõtte tutvustamisele. Seetõttu käsitletakse põhjalikult selliseid pooljuhtseadiseid, nagu dioodid, transistorid ja türistorid. Samuti selgitatakse põhiliste lülituste (diferentsiaal-ja operatsioonivõimendid, pulsigeneraatorid, jne) ehitust ja tööpõhimõtet. Kursus tutvustab pooljuhtseadistel põhinevate lihtsate elektroonikalülituste tunnusjooni ja talitluspõhimõtet.
Aine kuulub „Elektritehnika“ õppekavasse, kuid on kohaldatav ka teiste erialadega.
Elektroonika ja õppimise alustest.
Elektrilised algteadmised raudteetransportlastele.
Kursus elektrotehnikaga alustamiseks
Kursus elektrotehnikaga alustamiseks
Kursus elektrotehnikaga alustamiseks
Kursus elektrotehnikaga alustamiseks
Kursus elektrotehnikaga alustamiseks
Elektrienergia kasutamise võimalused ja vahendid.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Elektrotehnika põhitõed ja elektriseadmete kasutamine.
Subject name:
BIM (https://www.riigiteataja.eehttps://www.evs.ee
Assessment criteria:
Additional info:
Recommended prerequisite subjects:
RKE120 - Data Processing (3.00 EAP)
RKE124 - Basics of Engineering Graphics (3.00 EAP)
MET297 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (6.00 EAP)
Relation to structural unit:
Institute of Technology
Internship subject:
In process of preparation
Kõik vajalik info eduka praktika sooritamiseks.
Kõik vajalik info eduka praktika sooritamiseks.
Kõik vajalik info eduka praktika sooritamiseks.
Kõik vajalik info eduka praktika sooritamiseks.
Aine kuulub „Elektritehnika“ õppekavasse, kuid on kohaldatav ka teiste erialadega. Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade tööstuslikest infovõrkudest ja kontrollerites toimuvatest tähtsamatest protsessidest, Tööstuslike infovõrkude ja kontrollerite ehitusest, tööpõhimõtetest ja kasutusaladest, teadmised ja oskused infovõrkude komponentide ning kontrollerite valikuks, paigaldamiseks ning praktiliseks kasutamiseks.
Kursuse eesmärgiks on anda praktilised teadmised mikroprotsessorite kasutamisest ning programmeerimisest. Semestri jooksul õpitakse C-keeles ning mikroprotsessorite spetsiifilist programmeerimist ning vaadeldakse ka skeemitehnikat, mille abil protsessoreid praktilistes olukordades rakendada.
Welcome to a brand new course that was established in close cooperation between TalTech and ABB. As the course name says, you will learn about new product development and its implementation in production. This course is a great combination of theory and our own examples from daily work at ABB. We touch twelve different areas and also let you see our playground in Jüri One Campus.
Automaatikasüsteemide projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Automaatikasüsteemide projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Automaatikasüsteemide projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.
Automaatikasüsteemide projekteerimise põhialused ja -projekteerimistarkvarade kasutamine.