Basic Engineering Graphics

The course will be designed for Bachelor level Engineering students of Construction specialities, both daily and distance learners, as well as in-service training of specialists.

The "Basic Engineering Graphics" course will consist of interactive learning material to get acquainted with BIM programs, to acquire practical skills in computer and engineering graphics, and modelling, and provide a better-fitted workforce for enterprises. The course that consists of 6 related thematic modules, includes simulations of three-dimensional objects, short video-guides, interactive exercises for students' study and practice, tests, and innovative intelligent rating system with feedback and certification.

The use of educational material of the e-course in learning various STEM subjects enables to link parametric information about the studied objects and provides a solid basis of engineering education. The online course is very efficient due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and form of the game. Mobile learning expands the scope of distance learning by providing access to quality content regardless of the time and place of training - so the course will reduce the need for teaching in the classroom.

Engaging students with interactive materials in mathematics
The BIP aims to introduce the definition, evaluation, use, and creation of OERs in mathematical education.

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Understand the definition of OER.
  • Be able to assess OERs based on established criteria for quality evaluation.
  • Be acquainted with various math OER creation applications.
  • Produce high-quality OERs.
  • Implement OERs in teaching practices.



Engineering Mathematics Elements (RO)

Acesta este cursul online al echipei EngiMath. În acest curs veți învăța despre matrici, operații cu matrici și proprietățile lor.

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