Kursuse/teemade ülevaade
Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module
EU legal bases of traffic management
Learning Outcomes.
At the successful completion of this course you (the student) should be able to:
* Distinguishes between different traffic management options and policy strategies
* Orientate in local and EU legislation, can find information
* Define problems and offer cost-effective solutions
* Knows examples of transport and road safety regulations of EU member states and is able to give assessments of them.
Kati Nõuakas (kati.nouakas@tktk.ee, +372 52 58 477), TTK UAS
Oliver Kallas (oliver.kallas@tktk.ee, +372 5197 3900), TTK UAS
Enno Lend (enno.lend@tktk.ee) and Wladimir Segercrantz (wladimir.segercrantz@tktk.ee) TTK UAS
The aim of the course is to give the student an overview of EU and local level transport and traffic management legislation and regulations.
- Legislation - local and EU level (laws, regulations, directives, development strategies)
- EU funding policy in the field of transport and road safety (principles for covering infrastructure costs), state intervention in the regulation of the transport market.
Learning guide (Week 1):
- In addition to participating in the lecture, repeatedly review the presentation material: "Legislation, EU regulations: 1071/2009, 1072/2009, 1073/2009.
- Solve self-tests. The test can be tried countless times. The test is for the preparation and repetition of the exam at the end of the course.
- Look through extra materials to get an overview about the EU transport directives.
- Visit the webpage EUR-Lex (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/) and get familiar to search different EU legal documents to regulate the transportation sector. It provides the official access to EU legal documents.
Lecturer: Oliver Kallas (oliver.kallas@tktk.ee, +372 51 973 900), TTK UAS
Learning guide (Week 2):
- In addition to participating in the lecture, repeatedly review the study material "Development strategies at EU and local level"
- Answer the repetition questions in writing
- Solve self-tests. The test can be tried countless times. The test is for the preparation and repetition of the exam at the end of the course
- Read the essay guide, choose a suitable topic for writing an essay. If necessary, discuss the choice of topic with the lecturer. The essay will be submitted in the 3rd study week
Lecturers: Enno Lend (enno.lend@tktk.ee) and Wladimir Segercrantz (wladimir.segercrantz@tktk.ee)
Learning guide (Week 3):
- See the European Development Fund and Cohesion Fund information on the web links. From the first link, select the "EU funding" section and then "EU Programs". For programs, look at the different options and find at least one program related to transport or mobility management. The overview of the programs is rather informative and helps students to create practical examples by orienting themselves in additional materials.
- Find links to transport market and mobility management in the second link "EU cohesion policy". Give 2-3 examples of how the implementation of cohesion policy in the Member States helps to increase the sustainability of the transport market at the EU level and the competitiveness of the EU transport sector.
- Answer the self-test repeat questions
Read the group work guide and select and confirm the topic of group work in the forum
- Post an essay on the forum. Read the essays of other students
- Additional material in the articles folder is optional for further reading
European Development Fund and Cohesion Fund information:
Please find out about funding opportunities in one of the EU Member States of your choice: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/atlas/
Answer the questions:
- What are the specifics of this country's transport sector
- What funding opportunities can you find in the transport sector in addition to those listed on the link?
- How do you assess the infrastructure situation in this Member State compared to other Member States?
Learning guide (Week 4):
- Get acquainted with the slide material and focus on the discussion task on slide 17
- Check out the road safety program materials at the web link: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/eu-road-safety-policy_en
- Answer repetition questions
- To solve the differences in the mid-term review of the study module
Road Safety Program in EU: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/eu-road-safety-policy_en
Review Questions:
1. What is the role of the transport sector in the European Union?2. Name the main options for regulating the transport market? Why is it important to regulate the public transport market?
3. Describe the TEN-T network and assess whether it is needed in Europe4. Give examples (at least 3) of what actions have been taken in the Member States to regulate the transport market
5. What is a road safety program? Why is it necessary to implement it in the Member States?
Learning guide (Week 5):
- Get acquainted with the lecture materials (slides) and answer the self-review questions based on them.
- Watch the video on the link and answer the question.
- Submit group work to the forum and get acquainted with the work of other groups.
- For additional topics, articles in the Supplementary Materials folder have been added and are recommended
In addition to the slides, watch the video.
InvestEU: The European plan mobilizing billions to boost slumping investment:
Describe what cuts your government has had to make in infrastructure development in connection with the coronary pandemic.
Learning guide (Week 6):
- This week's study material is grouped into two articles. For the first article, focus on parts one and two. For the second article, read chapters four, five, and six in-depth.
- A link to the European Commission's information has been added for further reading.
- Answer the repeat questions in the self-test (review questions).
Additional materials are for additional information. Their elaboration is not obligatory, but they are recommended for acquiring the theory. The video presented as additional material is a conference broadcast with an emphasis on supply factors and new directions.
Additional reading material "Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – putting European transport on track for the future" https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52020DC0789
Additional video material "C
harting pathways to enable net zero – what role for hydrogen": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqyATilESlk
Week 7: Transport companies and organizations, the dependence of their strategic management on legislation and EU strategies
Learning guide (Week 7):
- This week, you will need to watch a sample interview with Eva Killar, a representative of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, who will explain the nature of eFTI. This is one example of the transport market and legislation and the potential for national development. Similar examples can be found in the other EU Member States.
- Check out the European Union's transport policy in "White Book"
- After watching the video, answer the recurring questions in the forum.
Video Interview with Eva Killar: https://youtu.be/v5x_dEKQN_8
Learning guide (Week 8):
- In the concluding week, review the study materials for weeks 1-7.
- If necessary, see additional materials.
- Make sure the self-monitoring questions are answered.
- To form the final result, solve the last summary test, which is based on solving the case.