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Basic Engineering Graphics
Basic Engineering Graphics
7th topic - 3d model with drawings
7.2. Roof components-drag-and-drop
7.2. Roof components-drag-and-drop
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◄ 7.2. Exercise with window
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Introduction Test-eng
0.1 Multiple Choice Question
0.2 Multiple Choice Question
0.3 Multiple Choice Question
0.4 Multiple Choice Question
0.5 Drag The Text
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1st topic test (English)
1st topic test (Estonian)
Try to determine the type of projections from these images-eng
Try to choose the correct object's orthographic projections (points)-eng
Try to choose the correct isometric projection of object-eng
Drag the projection names of the first and third angles onto the respective images-eng
1.1 Arrange the correct views
1.2 Multiple Choice Question
1.3 Multiple Choice Question
1.4 Multiple Choice Question
1.5 Drag Text Excercise
1.6 Drag and Drop The Appropriate Picture Definitions
1.7 Multiple Choice Question
1.8 Multiple Choice Question
1.9 Multiple Choice Question
1.10 Interactive video-eng
The simplest objects and their projections-video-eng
1.1. Exercises with points' projections-eng
1.2. Exercises with segment projections-eng
1.3. Exercises with triangle projections-eng
The 2nd topic test
Drag and drop example
Multiple Choice Question example
Simplest shapes and their projections - book
Interactive video-cylinder ax
Interactive video-cone ax
Interactive video-sphere net
Interactive video -cone and pyramid
Interactive video - pyramid
Interactive video - pyramid net
Simplest shapes-models
2.1. Exercises with prisms
2.2. Exercises with pyramids
2.3. Exercises with cylinder
2.4. Exercises with cone
2.5. Exercises with sphere
Shapes of rotation
2.Drag the name - polyhedra element
2.Drag the name - rotating shapes lines
2 Multiple Choice Question
The 3rd topic test
3. 1.test-Choice answer-polyhedra
3.2.test- Choice answer-polyhedra
3.3.test- Drag Text cylinder cross-section
3.2 test question text only
Cross-sections of simplest shapes and their projections
Cross-section_simplest shapes
Try to choose a view by clicking on an image of the picture
Homework example-video
Section view choise-GeoGebra exercise
3.1.1 Choice answer-polyhedra
3.1.2 Choice answer-polyhedra
3.1.3 Choice answer-polyhedra
3.1.4 Choice answer-polyhedra
3.2.1 Drag Text cylinder cross-section
3.2.2. Drag Text cone cross-section
3.2.3. Choice answer-sphere
3. Choice answer-rotation shapes
3.Drag the name - rotating shapes cutting planes
4 Multiple Choice Question - theory1
4 Multiple Choice Question - theory3
4 Multiple Choice Question - exercise1
Drag and drop the simplest shapes names used in this model on the correct place
Drag and drop the simplest shapes names used in castle model on the correct place
Drag and drop boolean operation names on the correct place
Drag and drop dimensions on the correct place
Correct view of the object (other version)
Exercises with combined shapes - full
Interactive video -INTERSECT
Interactive video -solids parts
Interactive video -dimensions-of-solids parts
Interactive video -BOOLEAN
Interactive video -UNION
Interactive video -SUBTRACT
Interactive video - exercise 1
Interactive video - exercise 2
Interactive video - exercise 3
Interactive video - exercise 3-dim
Interactive video - exercise 4
Drag and Drop the according 3D view
Drag and Drop the according 3D view (harder version)
Drag and drop the according layout (black&white)
Orthogonal projection of the model
The 4th topic test
Website question 4.1
Website question 4.2
Website question 4.3
Website question 4.4
4.2.2-bridge drawing hotspot
4 - overall dimensions hotspots
4.2.2. Find hotspots of the toy
Line types in drawings
Choose the correct picture
Practice - find out the names of dimensioning - drag elements names on the right place
Practice - find out the names of images designation and drag names on the right places
Drag and drop the according line definitions
Practice - determine the suitable line assignment and drag on the right place
Practice - determine the symbols meaning and drag on the right place
Practice - determine the suitable successive sections image and drag on the right place
Exercise - to recognize the drawing elements
The 5th topic test
5.1.2. Scale
Title block
Title block-exercise
5.2. Line type - drag-drop
5.5.dimensions type
5.3. Combined dimensions
5.3. Interactive video - cutting planes use
5.3 - Exercises with images
Ways of images of cross-sections, sections, dimensioning
Interactive video - exercise videoguide
The 6th topic test
6.1. Roof types
6.1. Types of roofs - hotspot
6-interactive video roof
6.2. Conic surface hotspots
6.1. Interactive video-stairs
6.1. Exercise
6.3.1. Toposurface - multiple choise
6.3.2. Toposurface - multiply choice
6.3.3. Vertical cross-section of toposurface
6.3.4. multiply choice-trough
6.3.1. Topographic plan-interactive video
6.3.2. Topographic profil-interactive video
6.4. Stepped objects
6.4.1.Stairs drawing-interactive video
6.4.1.Type in measures of stairs
6.4.2. Stairs' drawing hotspots with information
6.4.3. Drag the image of stairs drawing Drag the image of stairs drawing
The 7th topic test
7.0. Introduction - interactive video
7.1.1. Use the house part for getting measures:
7.1.2. Use the house wall layers for getting measures:
7.1.3. Use the house floor layers for getting measures:
The stone house simulator
Walls materials-scenario
7.1. Walls
7.2. Roofs - branching scenario
7.1.1. Wall_door-interactive video
7.1. Foundation-interactive video
7.1.5. Floor and ceiling - interactive video
7.1.7. Stairs and railing - interactive video
7.1.6. Roof - interactive video
7.2.3. Foundation-branching scenario
7.1. Exercise with door
7.2. Exercise with window
7.3. Foundation-drag-name-on-picture
7.3. Foundation materials and symbols-drag-drop
E-course scene simulator
The 8th topic test
8.1. RVT to PDF
8.2. Revit model images for drawings
8.2. Horizontal cutting planes
8.2.1. Garage plane - multiple choise
8.2.2. The garage sections
8.1.1. Plan - multiply choice
8.1.2. Roofs plan - multiply
8.1.2. Plan names - drag and drop
8.2.1. Garage sections - spots
8.2.2.-Section drawing - drag and drop
8.2.3. Section and plan drawings
8.2.4. Cross-sections - presentation
8.3. Facades - presentation
8.4. Scene drawings
8th topic test
Final Test
7.3. Foundation-drag-name-on-picture ►