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                   Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module
                                                  Wise mobility 3 ECTS



    Learning outcomes:

    At the successful completion of this course you (the student) should be able to:

    1. Understand what means wise and sustainable mobility and mobility management.

    2. Understand the common goals, opportunities and obstacles of wise mobility

    3. Understand the difference in people´s mobility and in mode of transport choices.

    4. Understand travel chains and what are mobility services. 

    5. Knows basics of travel/mobility research, research methods and how to utilize them.

    6. The students also learn to give feedback and evaluate others work.


    Sonja Heikkinen M. Sc. (sonja.heikkinen@hamk.fifrom Häme University of Applied SciencesHAMK

    Ville Turunen, LicSc (Math.) and M.Sc. (Techn.) from Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK

  • Week 1 - An Introduction

    In an introduction you orientate to wise mobility and watch some videos and answer some questions.

    The videos deal about sustainable and wise mobility, introduce you to transport research and travel chain thinking. After each video you can answer some questions.
    First you listen videos and after that you make online test from each part. Take at least half a day to complete this assignment. 

  • Week 2 - Concepts and targets

    In this section you define some most common concepts and learn some new.

    First you have to watch some videos and then read some materials. After that you do an assignment and define some concepts. We encourage you to find also your own material and bring new definitions to this list. Take at least a day to complete this assignment.

  • Week 3 - Deepening knowledge

    In this section you deepen your knowledge.

    First you get to know the reading materials and after that you do online test. Take at least 3-4 days to complete this assignment. 


  • Week 4 - Travel chains

    In this assignment you learn from travel chain thinking by using your own daily travel chains as an example. Now you should already know what means business trip to go to work, school trip to go to school, business trip to go shopping and a leisure time trip to go on holiday.
    You do an assignment and describe your own experiences from travel chains and do also peer-review. Take at least 1-2 days to complete this assignment. 


  • Week 5 - Mobility services

    In this assignment you get to know different kind of mobility services by using real-life examples introduced by students themselves.

    You do an assignment and introduce some mobility services and do also peer-review. Take at least 1-2 days to complete this assignment. 


  • Week 6 and 7 - Mobility management as a tool in major events

    In this assignment you can plan a mobility management action to a major event. What should be done, that people could plan and make their trip or travel chain to event without travelling alone with their own private car? 

    First you watch some videos, read some materials and after that you do an assignment with mobility management as a tool in major events. Take at least 2-3 days to complete this assignment.

  • Week 8 - Self assessment and feedback

    You are almost finished with these studies. Well done! Before you can leave, it is time to do self assessment and make a summary based on what you learned.

    Reserve at least half a day to do self assessment and summary.